The prices of the successful bids in the auction ranged from €0.088 per kWh to €0.0998 per kWh. The volume-weighted average award price was €0.0958 per kWh, €0.6 per kWh lower than the highest award price in the previous auction of €0.108 per kWh.
Geographically, the awards were spread across the country. North Rhine-Westphalia had the most winning projects, with 14 awards with a combined volume of 27MW, followed by Lower Saxony (13 awards, 25MW), Bavaria (13 awards, 21MW) and Baden-Württemberg (11 awards, 20MW), making them the four federal states with the highest number of awards.
In terms of capacity, 64 of the winning bids were for a volume of up to 2MW. The largest bid was for a volume of 17MW.
“This auction round was nearly twice oversubscribed, and the strong competition has led to lower award prices. It is pleasing to see how the awards are spread over the country, with at least one winning bid in each federal state,” said Klaus Müller, president of the Bundesnetzagentur.
In October, Germany’s innovation auction awarded contracts to 32 solar-plus-storage projects with a cumulative capacity of 408MW. A total of 53 bids and 779MW of capacity were received, nearly double the 400MW limit set for the auction.
This was the second innovative auction held this year in Germany with the previous one ending with a completely different fate, as only three projects ended up accepted with a combined capacity of 83.5MW, despite 400MW of capacity auctioned.