EDPR Sunseap accelerates APAC growth with South Korean MoU to develop renewables Industry News EDPR Sunseap accelerates APAC growth with South Korean MoU to develop renewables
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Dubai fund invests in projects to develop 650 MW of renewables, storage Industry News Dubai fund invests in projects to develop 650 MW of renewables, storage
Solar accounted for a third of renewables jobs globally in 2021 – IRENA Industry News Solar accounted for a third of renewables jobs globally in 2021 – IRENA
UK starts review to ensure pro-growth delivery of net zero goal Industry News UK starts review to ensure pro-growth delivery of net zero goal
Satellite imagery can provide an accurate view of US project deployment, enabling better business decisions Industry News Satellite imagery can provide an accurate view of US project deployment, enabling better business decisions
Ballard to equip 7 hydrogen trains in Berlin-Brandenburg Industry News Ballard to equip 7 hydrogen trains in Berlin-Brandenburg
New York launches solicitation for 2GW of large-scale renewables Industry News New York launches solicitation for 2GW of large-scale renewables
Green Genius secures Berenberg’s funds for 69 MWp of Polish solar Industry News Green Genius secures Berenberg’s funds for 69 MWp of Polish solar
Solar accounted for half of all global power generating capacity additions in 2021 Industry News Solar accounted for half of all global power generating capacity additions in 2021