The company added that the modules will be used in a project that is expected to be under construction in 2024 and operational in 2025.
Mirel Jarnea, sales manager of Romania at LONGi, said the partnership with Nofar Energy Romania can advance sustainable energy solutions in Romania and “foster a greener future” for the region.
Aside from the collaboration in Romania, LONGi recently developed a crystalline silicon heterojunction back-contact (HBC) solar cell with a conversion efficiency of 27.09%, verified by the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (IFSH) in Germany.
The solar cell breaks LONGi’s conversion efficiency record for silicon HBC cells, which it set at 26.81% in November 2022. LONGi noted that the primary technological innovation in the new cell is the use of an “all-laser patterning process”, which replaces the photolithographic process – by which UV light is used to fabricate thin-film components, such as those used in solar cells – typically used to produce these kinds of bifacial solar cells.
LONGi focuses on developing back-contact (BC) cells based on n-type technology. Last year, PV Tech talked to LONGi chairman Zhong Baoshen, who explained the background behind the decision to focus on BC technology, and LONGi’s BC cell production progress.