Renewable energy plants in Portugal generated 1,102 GWh from 0400 local time on October 31 to 0900 on November 6, which exceeded the power demand by industry and households in the 149-hour period.
The previous record of 131 hours was registered in 2019, the national grid operator Redes Energeticas Nacionais (REN) said on Tuesday.
During the 149-hour period, Portugal achieved two more milestones. Renewable energy production in the country surpassed the entire National Electric System’s needs without resorting to conventional thermal power generation for 131 consecutive hours. This happened between 2200 on October 31 and 0900 on November 6.
In addition, between 1000 on November 1 and 0900 on November 5, Portugal was also able to export electricity to Spain for 95 consecutive hours. The previous record was 52 hours from 2018.
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