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May 20 (Renewables Now) – Germany must take a number of measures to accelerate the hydrogen ramp-up in the country against the background of the war in Ukraine and its impact on energy supply, the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) said in a paper published on Thursday.

In order to have a successful hydrogen ramp-up, Germany urgently needs better framework conditions and more intensive funding for hydrogen production and expansion, according to the association’s head Kerstin Andreae.

The proposed measures include the development of a competitive funding concept to provide financial support for the production and demand for hydrogen, the creation of clear and reliable framework conditions for hydrogen production such as simplified and accelerated planning and approval procedures and a rise in offshore wind generation in combination with hydrogen production.

According to BDEW, measures should be taken to stimulate the demand for hydrogen, build the necessary infrastructure and upgrade the existing gas pipelines to transport hydrogen.

Additionally, the development of import routes and sources outside the European Union should be supported.

In its coalition agreement, the German government already raised the country’s electrolysis capacity target to 10 GW by 2030 from 5 GW previously. BDEW, however, believes that politicians should create the necessary framework conditions to have at least 1 GW in operation by the end of the current legislative period.

The association published the paper with the proposed measures as the federal government is preparing to revise the National Hydrogen Strategy.

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